Blow Molding is a plastics extrusion process used to create a one-piece hollow plastic product or one with a cavity void of plastics material.
Now, the trend of the bottle blowing machine market is developing towards high-speed and fully automatic.
On the one hand, the high-speed and fully automatic blow molding machine can greatly liberate productivity and improve production efficiency.
On the other hand, with the high degree of automation of other production lines such as filling machines, in this case, only high-speed automatic blow molding machines can fully match 6L Big Mouth bottle Blow Molding Machine modern production lines. Under such a market trend, many manufacturers in the bottle blowing machine industry say they are fully automated.
However, the author believes that although the general trend is full automation, the special circumstances of the downstream market cannot be ignored. We all know that the field of plastic bottle production and processing is a field with relatively low profits and relatively low barriers to entry.
This has led to the concentration of a large number of small and medium-sized plastic bottle manufacturers in the field of plastic bottle processing, and some even family workshops. For these small processing plants, the high equipment costs of high-speed automatic blow molding machines can be said to be unbearable for them.
These companies are more willing and more suitable to buy semi-automatic or simple blow molding machines. As a bottle blowing machine manufacturer, when developing products in the direction of full automation, it should also take into account this market.
The production of simple and semi-automatic bottle blowing machines should also be continuously adjusted and improved. Nowadays, under the fierce competition, the price of automatic bottle blowing machine is getting lower and lower. The bottle blowing machine market is not only looking at the trend, but also considering various factors to be more stable.
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